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Showing posts from May, 2019

Sutori of Everything

Hi everyone! I guess now that you know I love literature. So, I have made another work on literature but this time I have used Sutori to tell you about my story. Sutori is, again, a website in which you can create stories as you can see down below. What's more interesting is that you can also convert your prepared stories into presentations and do not need any other gear to create presentations. Additionally, it allows you to add images, links, videos, and audios as any interesting presentation or story should be. What I have most liked about it is the feature which helps you to add quizzes to your story. In short, Sutori has all the things making your work easier and more interesting. As always, I have created an example and in this example, I have mentioned the novels of Jane Austen. If you want to know more about the website you can click here .

MindMeister is it!

Hi everyone! I’m sure that you know about mind maps. They’re really helpful when you try to conceptualise any topic. With the help of technology, we can easily create online mind maps and share them. However, it was not possible to let people add on them and improve your mind map in one place. MindMeister is what you need to use when you are in need of a collaborative mind map. It allows you to create your mind map and share it with others. That’s why it is a meister 😂. Also, you can print your mind map after you finish creating it. I find it helpful and created my own mind map. I thought that I would use it in my class while I do the topic of plants and let students add on it by searching for different types of plants. You can see mine down there and you can also Click Here to go and add on it.

Your New Assistant Voki!

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy yourselves. Today, I want to introduce you your new assistant in teaching. I’m talking about Voki. Voki is an application letting you create different avatars and make them speak. Think about it. How would your students react that kind of a thing? I think they would really love it. I have been thinking about using Voki in classroom or outside of the classroom. I should admit that I still have some unsolved thoughts on my mind but I’m sure that I’m going to find ways of using it in my classroom. For now, I have got the idea that we can create an avatar that is special to every student in your class and this avatar could inform them about their assignments. Also, we can add some tips and clues, if some tricky parts exits in the given assignment. I’m sure that your students would love the avatars that are specifically made for them and would be motivated much more. I have created an example Voki in order to show you how it works. You watch it down below a

Another Way of Online Classes | StoryBird

Hi everyone! If you remember, we have talked about an online class provider before. Today, There is another of them but this time other features are included. These features are pre-made assignments, quizzes, and challenges that serve to your purpose. Most of them have a price but there are also free options to try this experience. Then, you may pay for the service and get full service. I have created my own class and added an assignment. You can go and see how it works. I am sure that you will find new interesting features, if you do please do not forget to inform me. Click Here to reach my class. The password is heythere. See, it even has password protection.


Hi everyone! I'm just going to sink into the topic. Today, we'll talk about Nearpod which is such an improved type of teaching devices. By Nearpod, you can create classes, interact with your students, and present your topics there. However, Nearpod has much more to give, it gives you the chance of using VR without any other website, or device. Also, you can add resources and share them with your students. Additionally, Nearpod enables you to make live and formative, ongoing assessments or enables your students to make self-assessments. There are many other things that you could do by using Nearpod, I suggest you to have a look at it. In a nutshell, Nearpod includes what constructivism suggests applying and autonomy requires to have. I'm sure that I will use Nearpod as a mean of teaching when I start teaching. Here, you can find more detailed information: Also, you can watch this video to have an idea:

Make Unforgettable Memories with Journi

Hi everyone!  For years, we have been trying to make different booklets, photo albums, vs. in order not to forget Journi . our past; however, it is not that easy to prepare a photo album by using old ways. Especially in a teaching environment, it becomes a hard job to make everything safe but,  my friends, we have a better and easier option to make every worthwhile thing never be forgotten and that option is Journi as an app that gives you pre-made drafts of photo albums, calendars, and some other stuff so that you could have more time dealing with what to put on them rather than how to. If you ask a question such as "Okay, but where am I gonna use it?", the answer is easy. You could want your students to choose an important day of their lives and prepare a photo album or you may require them with making their own calendar in their own style. If you want to know more about Journi you may click here to download it.

Begin With a Paragraph!

Hi everyone! As you know- or may not- I'm in my second year in college. While I was a junior, I wrote a lot and I want you to share my writings from last year. If you are interested in different topics or want to see my progress, you may check my works. There are a few paragraphs written in different styles. For the beginning, I'm letting you read the first ever paragraph that I have written in college. READ AS FAMILY   Friends mean family to me. When one of us is out of money, there is always a solution for that. We can do everything for one another. If it is necessary we work and earn money for the one who is in need. More importantly, if one of us is not going through good times, every one of us will rush to help. Those are the things that make our relationship stronger than others’. Also, we never use a single word to offend one another. Even if we’re mad as hell, we never say something that could offend others. Being that kind gives us a chance of discussing

What's in a Kahoot?

Hi everyone! I would like to talk about Kahoot. Kahoot is an application that helps you to create pretty quizzes and brings some joy to your class. You can ask questions and add images that visualize your questions or your given choices. I'm sure that you will understand and see its usefulness when you are given an example. So, there you go! I have a Kahoot for you to see how it works. You can click RIGHT HERE!


Hi everyone! I'm happy to say that I have a super cool way of learning to talk about. Okay... It may not be super cool but it is super accessible and free. Have you ever heard about Udemy, Coursera, or edX? They're all online websites that enable you to take courses from all around the world. You don't have to go anywhere, just sit and learn. In addition, all these websites have free options, this means that you cannot say I don't have enough money. All you need is a computer or a smart device, internet and PASSION! I have taken a course and been taking another. Both of my courses are about psychology because I have a passion for this area. Here is my first certificate on increasing one's influence.  I challenge you to complete one of the courses that draw your attention and post it to me, or you could just enjoy learning something. See you later!


 Hi everyone! I came here to make an update about Gamification and its ways to apply. As we have talked about gamification in our vidcast before, I won't bore you by defining the term gamification. However, you should keep in mind that gamification can be applied by means of many different ways such as basic computer games, with the help of augmented reality, or simply just with a fun game that includes input. I should accept that those all have an influence on education but there is one thing better, more modern, and more real, which is Virtual Reality (VR). Before any bias, let's just think about it. Most of the parents, even many teachers, think that games are nonsense and couldn't have any good effect on their child or any learner; nevertheless, they all wrong at one point. Games may take time to apply but they have no harm to people as long as they or their parents know how to use it appropriately. Researches show that games do harm only a small part of society whic

Link Them All! | Thinglink

Hi everyone! I know sometimes we have issues with putting all in one place in terms of a term, book, etc. This was also an issue for me before I met Thinglink. It is a website that could be used for many different purposes, and as always I'm gonna mention its benefits to education. When I first was this website I thought that itis a perfect place to make an introduction to deep topics such as literature, science, and philosophy. This website allows you to add tags to a certain photo or video; you can even use VR images and videos and that's what we love to do in this century. As an example, I have created a Thinglink in order to inform people about Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It is such a simple example but I am sure that it will give you the gist. If you want to see my work and look for more please click here.  Do not forget to inform me of your view!