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An Important Point to be made! | 21st Century Skills Training

  Hello friends! It's been a week and I'm here again with 21st Century Skills Training. This week was very busy because of mid-terms and homework. However, 21st Century Skills Training made my week. This weeks focus was on copyright issues, licensing, cyber security and being critical with digital information and media. 

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 For the first session, we focused on copyright, licensing and cyber security. Do you know that every work of your intelligence can and should be copyrighted to your own name? Also, you have to act according to copyright terms of a work in order to use it and these terms have renge of differences from work to work. Another thing that must be known in terms of copyright is that teachers can use a work partially if they are making use of that work for teaching materials. On the other hand, we learned about how to get a license for others' work. All those information were useful in terms of knowing how to use the data that we found and how we can ensure we are not doing something illegal. Additionally, It is important to note that we should teach those information to our students for their learning process and future work life. Another thing was cyber security, our and our students cyber security is an important issue when digital literacy is the topic. Anything that is shared online should be considered twice for our security. Also, there is a thing called cyberbullying and it is very serious when we think about security. We should be know about how to protect our data and teach students on this topic. We also should make our students be aware that we will be by their side if anything related to cyberbullying happens. Another important point is to let our students know that cyberbullying is a crime and there are legal consequences of it.

 In the second session, our topic was digital information and media. The main point of session was figuring out whether a data is useful or not and how to use our data with alternative ways. Deciding upon the reliability of the data we found somewhere requires different steps such as judging credibility, accuracy, currency and usefulness. Also, we learned about different cloud storage options and their features that help us work collaboratively. They are very useful for asynchronous learning and group works in order to be organized and stay planned without losing any data.

For this week, we have come to the end of our time, do not forget looking for copyright, licensing and cyber security. I'm sure that you need to know those topics without any differences of working area. Let me knıow if you have anything to say in the comments. 

See you!
